uvic_common_blocks Module

Copyright (C) 2024 Bolding & Bruggeman


We need this F77 file to get the information of array sizes and a number of static allocated MOM2 variables.

The way the UVic include files are formatted does not allow to be included in F90 free format source code files.

Still to be solved is the issue of getting the variables in mw.h to double precission - for now updates/fabm/source/mom/mw.h has a kind=8 on all real arguments

Used by

  • module~~uvic_common_blocks~~UsedByGraph module~uvic_common_blocks uvic_common_blocks module~uvic_fabm uvic_fabm module~uvic_fabm->module~uvic_common_blocks program~uvic_escm_fabm UVic_ESCM_FABM program~uvic_escm_fabm->module~uvic_common_blocks program~uvic_escm_fabm->module~uvic_fabm

Common Blocks

uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
"> common /coord/

Type Attributes Name Initial
real :: xt(imt)
real :: yt(jmt)
real :: xu(imt)
real :: yu(jmt)
real :: zw(km)
real :: zt(km)

uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
"> common /coord/

Type Attributes Name Initial
real :: dxtdeg(imt)
real :: dytdeg(jmt)
real :: dzt(km)

uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
"> common /coord/

Type Attributes Name Initial
real :: dxudeg(imt)
real :: dyudeg(jmt)
real :: dzw(0:km)
Type Attributes Name Initial
integer :: itaux
integer :: itauy
integer :: iws
integer :: iaca
integer :: isca
integer :: ihflx
integer :: isflx
integer :: isst
Type Attributes Name Initial
integer :: isss
integer :: iwa
integer :: iro
integer :: iwxq
integer :: iwyq
integer :: iwxt
integer :: iwyt
integer :: iwxc
integer :: iwyc
Type Attributes Name Initial
integer :: ipsw
integer :: isu
integer :: isv
integer :: igu
integer :: igv
integer :: issdic
integer :: idicflx
integer :: issalk
Type Attributes Name Initial
integer :: ialkflx
integer :: isso2
integer :: io2flx
integer :: isspo4
integer :: ipo4flx
integer :: issphyt
Type Attributes Name Initial
integer :: iphytflx
integer :: isszoop
integer :: izoopflx
integer :: issdetr
integer :: idetrflx
Type Attributes Name Initial
integer :: issno3
integer :: ino3flx
integer :: issdiaz
integer :: idiazflx
integer :: issc14
Type Attributes Name Initial
integer :: ic14flx
integer :: isscfc11
integer :: icfc11flx
integer :: isscfc12
integer :: icfc12flx
Type Attributes Name Initial
integer :: iat
integer :: irh
integer :: ipr
integer :: ips
integer :: iaws
integer :: iswr
integer :: ilwr
integer :: isens
integer :: ievap
Type Attributes Name Initial
integer :: idtr
integer :: inpp
integer :: isr
integer :: iburn
integer :: ibtemp
integer :: ibsalt
integer :: ibdic
Type Attributes Name Initial
integer :: ibdicfx
integer :: ibalk
integer :: ibalkfx
integer :: ibo2
integer :: ircal
integer :: irorg
Type Attributes Name Initial
integer :: mapsbc(numsbc)

uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
"> common /csbc_r/

Type Attributes Name Initial
real :: sbc(imt,jmt,numsbc)

uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
"> common /csbc_r/

Type Attributes Name Initial
real :: gaost(nt)
real(kind=8) :: socn
Type Attributes Name Initial
integer :: ntspas
integer :: ntspls
integer :: ntspos
integer :: nats
integer :: nots
integer :: nismacc
Type Attributes Name Initial
integer :: nsedacc
Type Attributes Name Initial
logical :: addflxa
logical :: addflxo

uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
"> common /csbc_r/

Type Attributes Name Initial
real(kind=8) :: dtatm
real(kind=8) :: dtism
real(kind=8) :: dtismyr
real(kind=8) :: dtlnd
real(kind=8) :: dtocn
real(kind=8) :: dtsed

uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
"> common /csbc_r/

Type Attributes Name Initial
real(kind=8) :: dtsedyr
real(kind=8) :: atatm
real(kind=8) :: atism
real(kind=8) :: atlnd
real(kind=8) :: atocn
real(kind=8) :: atsed

uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
"> common /csbc_r/

Type Attributes Name Initial
real :: dampts(nt)
real :: dampdz(nt)
Type Attributes Name Initial
integer :: land_map(imt,jmt)
Type Attributes Name Initial
integer :: ntlbc

uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
"> common /csbc_r/

Type Attributes Name Initial
real(kind=8) :: dtoih
real(kind=8) :: dtoic

uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
"> common /csbc_r/

Type Attributes Name Initial
real(kind=8) :: avgpertavg
real(kind=8) :: avgtimtavg
real(kind=8) :: avgpertsi
real(kind=8) :: avgtimtsi

uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
"> common /mw_i/

Type Attributes Name Initial
integer :: taum1
integer :: tau
integer :: taup1
Type Attributes Name Initial
real :: u(imt,km,jmw,2,-1:1)
real :: t(imt,km,jmw,nt,-1:1)


Type Attributes Name Initial
real :: src(imt,km,jsmw:jemw,nsrc)
real :: sed(imt,jmt,3)

uvic_common_blocks (module)
"> common /mw_c/

Type Attributes Name Initial
integer :: mapt(nt)

uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
"> common /mw_i/

Type Attributes Name Initial
integer :: itemp
integer :: isalt
integer :: idic
integer :: ic14
integer :: icfc11
integer :: icfc12
integer :: ialk

uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
"> common /mw_i/

Type Attributes Name Initial
integer :: ipo4
integer :: iphyt
integer :: izoop
integer :: idetr
integer :: io2
integer :: ino3
integer :: idiaz

uvic_common_blocks (module)
"> common /mw_c/

Type Attributes Name Initial
integer :: mapst(nt)

uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
"> common /mw_i/

Type Attributes Name Initial
integer :: itrc(nt)

uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
"> common /mw_i/

Type Attributes Name Initial
integer :: istemp
integer :: issalt
integer :: isdic
integer :: isc14
integer :: isalk
integer :: ispo4
integer :: isphyt

uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
uvic_common_blocks (module)
"> common /mw_i/

Type Attributes Name Initial
integer :: iszoop
integer :: isdetr
integer :: iso2
integer :: isno3
integer :: isdiaz
Type Attributes Name Initial
real :: adv_vet(imt,km,jsmw:jmw)
real :: adv_vnt(imt,km,1:jmw)
Type Attributes Name Initial
real :: tmask(imt,km,1:jmw)
real :: umask(imt,km,1:jmw)
Type Attributes Name Initial
real :: cstdxtr(imt,jsmw:jmw)
real :: cstdxur(imt,jsmw:jmw)
Type Attributes Name Initial
real :: cstdxt2r(imt,jsmw:jmw)
real :: ah_cstdxur(imt,jsmw:jmw)
Type Attributes Name Initial
real :: advmet(jmt,2)
Type Attributes Name Initial
real :: cori(imt,jmt,2)
Type Attributes Name Initial
real :: cf(imt,jmt,-1:1,-1:1)
Type Attributes Name Initial
real :: smf(imt,1:jmw,2)
real :: bmf(imt,1:jmw,2)
Type Attributes Name Initial
real :: stf(imt,1:jmw,nt)
real :: btf(imt,1:jmw,nt)
Type Attributes Name Initial
integer :: kmt(imt,jmt)
integer :: kmu(imt,jmt)


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, public, parameter :: imt = 102
integer, public, parameter :: jmt = 102
integer, public, parameter :: km = 19
integer, public, parameter :: nt = 2 + (-6) +1 +1 +1 +1 +4 +2
integer, public, parameter :: nsrc = -4 +1 +1 +1 +1 +4 +2
integer, public, parameter :: kpzd = km
integer, public, parameter :: nat = 2
integer, public, parameter :: jmz = jmt
integer, public, parameter :: jmzm1 = jmz-1
integer, public, parameter :: mnisle = 50
integer, public, parameter :: maxipp = 5000
integer, public, parameter :: jmw = jmt
integer, public, parameter :: jsmw = 2
integer, public, parameter :: jemw = jmw-1
integer, public, parameter :: POINTS = 14300
integer, public, parameter :: STEPSM = 24
integer, public, parameter :: klmax = 0
integer, public, parameter :: NNVG = 4
integer, public, parameter :: NPFT = 5
integer, public, parameter :: NTYPE = 6
integer, public, parameter :: SOIL = 6
integer, public, parameter :: NSLOPE = 100
integer, public, parameter :: NGND = 14
real, public :: xt
real, public :: yt
real, public :: xu
real, public :: yu
real, public :: zw
real, public :: zt
real, public :: dxtdeg
real, public :: dytdeg
real, public :: dzt
real, public :: dxudeg
real, public :: dyudeg
real, public :: dzw
integer, public, parameter :: numsbc = 14 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 10 + 3 + 7 + 1 + 1
character(len=20), public :: mapsbc
real(kind=8), public :: sbc
real(kind=8), public :: gaost
real(kind=8), public :: dampts
real(kind=8), public :: dampdz
real(kind=8), public :: subflux
real(kind=8), public :: subz
integer, public :: land_map
real, public :: u
real, public :: t
real, public :: src
real, public :: sed
character(len=30), public :: mapt
character(len=10), public :: mapst
integer, public :: itrc
real, public :: adv_vet
real, public :: adv_vnt
real, public :: adv_veu
real, public :: adv_vnu
real, public :: adv_vbt
real, public :: adv_vbu
real, public :: rho
real, public :: rhotaum1
real, public :: rhotaup1
real, public :: rhotilde
real, public :: grad_p
real, public :: tmask
real, public :: umask
real, public :: adv_fe
real, public :: adv_fn
real, public :: adv_fb
real, public :: diff_fe
real, public :: diff_fn
real, public :: diff_fb
real, public :: diff_fbiso
real, public :: source
real, public :: zzi
real, public :: cstdxtr
real, public :: cstdxur
real, public :: cstdxt2r
real, public :: ah_cstdxur
real, public :: csudxur
real, public :: csudxtr
real, public :: csudxu2r
real, public :: am_csudxtr
real, public :: advmet
real, public :: cori
real, public :: cf
real, public :: smf
real, public :: bmf
real, public :: stf
real, public :: btf
real, public :: anti_fe
real, public :: anti_fn
real, public :: anti_fb
real, public :: R_plusY
real, public :: R_minusY
integer, public :: kmt
integer, public :: kmu