update_surface_swr_flux Subroutine

private subroutine update_surface_swr_flux()


This calculation of the surface swr uses the flux directly from the atmospheric model - must be corrected for ice at some point.

alternatively the variable in tracer.F90

calculate the short wave flux in according to

carefull with the time averaged value




proc~~update_surface_swr_flux~~CallsGraph proc~update_surface_swr_flux uvic_fabm::update_surface_swr_flux dnswr dnswr proc~update_surface_swr_flux->dnswr kmt kmt proc~update_surface_swr_flux->kmt

Called by

proc~~update_surface_swr_flux~~CalledByGraph proc~update_surface_swr_flux uvic_fabm::update_surface_swr_flux proc~update_data uvic_fabm::update_data proc~update_data->proc~update_surface_swr_flux proc~fabm_update uvic_fabm::fabm_update proc~fabm_update->proc~update_data

Source Code

      subroutine update_surface_swr_flux()
         !! @note
         !! This calculation of the surface swr uses the flux directly 
         !! from the atmospheric model - must be corrected for ice at 
         !! some point.
         !! alternatively the \(gl\) variable in tracer.F90
         !! @endnote
         !! calculate the short wave flux in \(W/m^2\) according to
         !! $$I_0 = 41868\ (W/m²)/(cal/cm²/s)\ I_{0_{UVic}}\ 
         !! cal/cm²/s¹$$
         !! carefull with the time averaged value

         integer i,j
            ! local loop counters

!KB         if (model%variable_needs_values(id_surface_swr_flux)) then
            do j=2,jmt-1
               do i=2,imt-1
                  if (kmt(i,j) > 0) surface_swr_flux(i,j) = 
     &                                    0.001*dnswr(i,j)
               end do
            end do
!KB         end if
      end subroutine update_surface_swr_flux